National Practitioner Data Bank

Twice we have forced the National Practitioners Data Bank [NPDB] to seek and obtain correction of inaccurate National Practitioner Data Bank [NPDB] entries. We do not believe that any other firm can make that claim. On a third occasion, we sued the Office of Inspector General, HHS, and forced the OIG to reverse an entry of exclusion in the National Practitioners Data Bank [NPDB] as to the exclusion of our physician client.

If you have an attorney who says he can do it, ask him if he has ever done it. We have. An inaccurate or illegally made or illegally procured entry can greatly impede or jeopardize your practice, more than most anything else. We are here and available for health care providers who have been Data Banked or facing being Data Banked. What we do, others dream of. You have to know your adversary and understand your adversary in order to deal with your adversary. We have experience with the National Practitioner Data Bank [NPDB] and we understand the National Practitioner Data Bank [[NPDB] and we have dealt effectively with the National Practitioners Data Bank [NPDB].

Call to see how we may be able to help you concerning the National Practitioners Data Bank [NPDB] .  301-670-0016.