Health, Healthcare Fraud, & Medicare Law

Healthcare Fraud Attorney in Gaithersburg, MD

We have assisted and can assist physicians, other healthcare practitioners and healthcare entities concerning the substantive areas listed on our Practice Page and most other areas in the Healthcare industry by creatively employing the available, appropriate statutes and our unique set of experiences and skills as a healthcare fraud attorney in Gaithersburg, MD. As a former Assistant United States Attorney, former Senior Attorney of the OIG and a former Security Asset for the FBI, Mr. Haber has developed skills and techniques that most other attorneys could not even dream about. To see how we can use our assets to assist you, contact us for a free no obligation consultation.

Healthcare Fraud Issues

Please bear in mind that we are an experienced healthcare fraud attorney, with a large variety of Healthcare issues including but not limited to billing and coding issues / 3rd Party Payers issues. We have been involved in Medicare/Medicaid/Private Pay issues since being in the United States Attorney’s Office in the 1970s.

We have undertaken Business Structuring for clients as well as Civil law and Criminal law matters.

We have used Civil Rights Statutes for clients, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act for physicians who had been impaired. We have also used our anti-discrimination statutes and antitrust statutes for clients. Staff privileges and third-party payer participation issues can implicate these statutes.

We have established Compliance Programs for clients.

We have assisted clients in the Correction of Records. We have done this lawfully concerning correction of patient chart documentation as well as forcing the correction of illegal  National Practitioner Data Bank [NPDB] entries. If your medical staff attorney claims to be able to assist you with the National Practitioner Data Bank, ask him if he has been able to correct a false or illegal entry versus just putting in your opposition. We have been able to force the correction of false or illegal medical record entries for two physician’s or doctor’s records.

Healthcare Fraud Attorney – Lawyer

We have assisted clients concerning Credentialing Issues as well as Criminal, Civil and Administrative matters.

Being an experienced healthcare law firm, we have assisted clients with DEA Related Matters; Fraud; HIPAA Issues as well as Licensing Board Issues. We have helped clients concerning OIG; FBI; DOJ; AG and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Investigations. At times, we have been able to close off investigations without any charges being filed.

We have worked on Post Payment Review and RAC ZPIC matters.

Our lawyers assisted clients with Professional Privileges and Peer Review legal assistance. We have sought and obtained Program Reinstatement for clients.

We have used various statutes for clients involving Racketeering [RICO]; Stark and Anti-Kickback; Unfair Competition and antitrust; and Whistleblowing matters.

Over our legal practice, we have had to deal with many of issues affecting medical and institutional practices/operations. Call to see how we can be of assistance to you. 301-670-0016.