Medical Licensing Board Attorney

What is a Medical Licensing Board Attorney or a Medical Licensing Board Lawyer? He/she is there to stand between you and your professional Licensing Board and to explain your case or otherwise establish your case in a light most favorable to you. The Medical Licensing Board and its bureaucracy are not always synonymous. That can sometimes be used to a physician’s advantage. The Licensing Board Attorney, Licensing Board Lawyer is not there to be confrontational unless the Board or its bureaucracy has lost its sense of impartiality and fairness. The Licensing Board Attorney, Licensing Board Lawyer is there to insure that you rights are observed and your case is presented in a light most favorable to you under the applicable law and to document a record for any subsequent judicial review. Your Licensing Board Attorney, Licensing Board Lawyer is there to seek to define the facts pertaining to your matter in a manner best for you, under whatever applicable law can be employed.

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Mr. Haber is a former Assistant United States Attorney [1971-1979 E.D. MI] and former Senior Attorney Office of Inspector General United States Department of Health and Human Services [1979-1983]. He found this firm in 1984 and he has been assisting Healthcare Professionals ever since, in a variety of ways.

In one matter, a Medical Licensing Board voted 7-3 to permit a doctor convicted of rape before a Military Court Martial to return to practicing medicine, saying the crime had nothing to do with his role as a physician. In the end, the Medical Licensing Board came to realize with Mr. Haber’s assistance, as a Medical Licensing Board Attorney, Medical Licensing Board Lawyer, that the physician was the one who had been unjustly treated by the system.In reality, the physician was the one who had been raped, by the Court Martial, on the altar of political correctness. A great deal of effort by Mr. Haber went into bringing that realization to the Medical Licensing Board’s collective attention, in order to obtain the desired result, but it was worth it. It was the start of the professional rehabilitation for that physician.

On another occasion, a physician had been convicted of Medicaid fraud. In spite of that conviction and due to a juggling of several licenses, Mr. Haber was able to assist the physician to stay employed with a federal agency and avoid losing his job.
On a different occasion, Mr. Haber assisted a convicted kleptomaniac to obtain licensure from a Medical Licensing Board. On that occasion, Mr. Haber employed the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] to assist in obtaining the physician’s licensure. Mr. Haber has used ADA on a number of other occasions to assist physicians across a variety of professional domains.

These are just some of the many occasions when Mr. Haber, as a Medical Licensing Board Attorney, Medical Licensing Board Lawyer, has been able to assist physicians before their state Medical Licensing Boards.

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Please feel free to contact this office for a no obligation initial consultation as to how this office can assist you concerning your Medical Licensing Board. We also assist physicians and other health care professionals and institutions concerning a variety of other topics, such as Peer Review, Credentialing, RAC attacks, ZPIC investigation, OIG investigation, FBI investigations, Credentialing, Data Bank issues, etc. You may initiate a no obligation consultation through our Contact Form by leaving your name and telephone number or by a direct call to the office [301-670-0016].