Waiver of OIG Exclusions

The OIG’s exclusions can be for an extremely long periods of time. Waiver authority for such exclusions rest solely with the OIG. Such authority to waive an individual’s or entity’s exclusion from participation in Federal health care programs is the sole prerogative of the OIG. Often physician and their attorneys are totally unaware that under the correct circumstances, a healthcare provider’s exclusion can be waived. The attorneys at the Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber have on several occasions obtained the waiver of their client’s exclusion. An exclusion can destroy a physician’s practice and a waiver can save that practice. The only exclusion that cannot be waived is an exclusion for patient abuse. Waivers for fraud and other reasons are subject to a waiver if the client has the right attorney who knows how to seek a waiver under appropriate conditions. Most attorneys do not know waivers exist let alone how to procure such a waiver. If your attorney did not raise the issue to you, then he is probably not the right attorney for you. Excluded individuals or entities may not request a waiver from OIG themselves but it has to be made by those authorized to do so. For more information, please feel free to call the Law Office of Kenneth Joel Haber at 301-996-0006.